
GSDCost is the only globally recognised international method-time-cost standard, used by brands and manufacturers to deliver cost optimisation and sustainable improvements in productivity.
GSDCostV5 launches with a unique fair wage tool, for a new level of transparency and sustainability in discussions on time, cost and compliance, while native integration to Res.Q shopfloor solutions a feedback loop to power continuous improvement. GSDCostV5 leverages the latest software architecture, to deliver a highly intuitive, secure and scalable SaaS solution hosted in Microsoft AzureTM.

GSDCost Foundations

1.Method Analysis

A scientific and objective process to quantify and categorise human motions to create a Method Standard.

2.Method Standard

A step by step description of how to complete each operation in the manufacturing process from cut to pack.

3.Standard Minute Value

Motion codes are used as building blocks to assemble operations, features and styles, with detailed accurate method and SMV.


Operator performance can then be measure against objective standards as recognised by the ILO.

GSDCost Features and Benefits

Fair Wage Tool

Calculates fair wage allowance by style, factory and country to ensure high standards of CSR and Ethical Compliance.

Improve Worker Performance

Helps set realistic and achievable targets for workers using accurate time standards, further helping to quantify and optimise worker performance.

Productivity Improvements

Delivers productivity improvements to increase output by removing waste in the method without increasing resources.

Cost Optimisation

Eliminates subjectivity in costing calculations with standard method and SMVs supporting ‘trusted supplier’ status.

On-Time Delivery

Improves efficiency and on-time delivery performance by supporting accurate SMV-based production planning.

Digital Feedback Loop

Native integration into Res.Q shop floor solutions providing a real-time, digital feedback loop of actual versus SMV.